Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Early understanding on the importance of childern’s right protection

Oleh : Setiana W
Why and what is the importance of doing this activity? That when all people talk about Human Right, then they all think something great, such as human right violation against social activity, international war and agaist others concerned with common peaple’s life.
In Indonesia, if we talk about human right, then we will remind the time approaching East Timor independence from Indonesia. There was total destruction against Dilli and assaination of a number of East Timoreese pro-independence activists. So far, Human Right violation in East Timor is still an unnended issue.
When an official engages in corruption of school development, he has, aotomatically grabbed right of a number of students, who should enjoy sufficient and better school facilities. But they utilize insufficient facilities becoause of the robbery.
In the same way, there are no people concerned on children’s human right, including parents who neglect their children’s right. Therefore, parent should early and comprehensively understand children’s right. Whereas children, who haves understanding on the right of study must be aware to their rights. As the result, they will be able to claim their right, if their parents neglect it.
As we know that in Indonesia, we celebrate July 23, as the National Children day, where Indonesian children have strategic value. It is a moment to move all Indonesian awareness and participation in respecting and guaranteeing children’s right without discrimination, by giving their best for children, guaranteeing to the fullest extent possible for their sustainability and growth besides respecting children’s opinion.
Children are invaluable future asset. In the other word, the nation’s future will be depending on the parent’s responsibility. In this case, future of mankind will be in hand of children. That is why, it is normal for every parent realizing issue on preparing better strategy of children’s education. In addition, children’s growth should also be concerned in the frame of giving children orientation and education toward their hopes. Then concern on children’s right has been a must to realize a hope of developing qualified future generation.
Concerning children’s right, various countries generally refer to what has been ratified by UNO. Among of which, as stated by Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is on children’s human rights as properly detailed, based on their physical and mental development, such as: right of mother’s milk, right of parent and adult’s love in the whole types, besides right of play, either with or without using playing tools, which is physically, biologically and psychologically safe.
Children’s right is granted by Children’s right convention. It is an international agreement on Children’s right. Convention, also called as covenant or treaty, is an international agreement. The agreement binds legally and politically. That is why all of the signing countries must approve and meet Children’s right. Children’s right convention has been approved by General Assembly of the UN on November 20, 1989 and enacted on September 2, 2002, as an international law.
Children’s right is intrinsic and part of the human right. In connection with the principles, as stated in Universal Declaration of Human Rights, children’s right is an acknowledgement on intrinsic dignity owned by other family member, which is irrevocable. It is a foundation of independence, justice and peace for all human being.
Thus, child (up to 18 years old) has rights acknowledged by the state. We must understand the right in order to ensure that it will not be violated, but met by the state and community. Anyone must be informed that a child has the right, by which will be foundation for better life.
Because children’s right is part of human right, then there is no chance to deny its fulfillment, no matter the reason is. Neglecting the rights violation means to let heavier one occurred against many others. So, stop violation against children’s right by voicing that we disagree with violation against children’s right.

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